Order Food Online (Pick Up): DoorDash | Grubhub Directions: Tipsy Teeze
Order Food Online (Pick Up): DoorDash | Grubhub Directions: Tipsy Teeze

World Tavern Poker

World Tavern Poker is coming to Tipsy Teeze and Davisson Brothers Music Hall every Monday starting on March 11th, 2024.

Where are all our poker players at? We play every Monday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. It’s free to play. Play for over $100,000.00 in prizes and giveaways including entries to live WSOP tournaments.

Weekly give aways that included $10 Tipsy Teeze and Davisson Brothers Music Hall gift cards and other prizes.

Dallas Moore – 03/07/25

Dallas Moore – 03/07/25

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